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JT Foxx Coaching

288 Proven Great Marketing Ideas, Philosophies & Strategies!

"Everything I know about Marketing and How to Dramatically Increase your PROFITS"

Give you and your business the ultimate Advantage over your competition MARKETING

I was never good at marketing. I never took marketing classes in school. I picked up a marketing textbook one day and it just seemed to be boring and theoretical. I thought the way to build a business empire was by referrals, but I quickly realized that empires are built behind great marketing. At that moment 10 years ago, I realized that if I wanted to become a millionaire one day or even a billionaire one day, I would have to be not only good at marketing, but great at marketing. Most people see marketing as a cost, while great entrepreneurs see it as a weapon to gain an advantage on their competition. Three of my entrepreneurial heroes, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump (the businessman) and Richard Branson all knew marketing was important. I know 2 of the 3 very well (Trump & Branson) and as for Steve Jobs, my friend Steve Wozniak (Apple co-founder) has shared stories with me about how Apple became great because it not only had a great product, but even better marketing. 10 years later I have a global empire in 40 countries and am often referred to as a marketing genius. Now I am going to teach you everything I know about it.