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JT Foxx Coaching

Become a Top Coach

Become A Top Coach


The majority of our coaches are people that have been coached by Mr. Foxx personally or have gone through our certification process. If you would like to become a coach, enhance your current coaching skills, develop your brand, attract clients, learn how to coach the JT Foxx Way and/ or get a piece of your clients business as well as fees, contact us now! You can learn how to coach part-time or build a world-wide organization. Our certification process is an intensive 3 day 1-1 at our offices with our lead coach and director of coaching. You will even get to coach clients and get feedback from us and from the client themselves. Who knows, we make no promises, but you could become one of our coaches as well. There is no other coaching certification program like this. Yes, we even coach our competitors because we believe the market is big enough for all of us and great coaching is hard to find. Most coaches never make it because they created a job for themselves a job, we can help you learn to build a coaching organization.



Source: http://jtfoxxcoaching.com/index.php?page=become_a_top_coach